By Hannah Walton and Nicole Maxwell
The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) offers three trademark databases for users. The first is the Trademark Electronic Application System, the second is the Trademark Search System, and the third is the Trademark Status and Document Retrieval database. Each database has a specific purpose in the trademark application process. The following information explores each database and provides step-by-step instructions on how to navigate the systems.
The Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS) is used to register a trademark online with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Users can file a trademark application, file responses, renew registrations, and make payments with the TEAS[1]. Benefits of the TEAS include current status updates and improved accuracy for both individual trademark owners and large corporations.[2]
How to Navigate the TEAS [1]
1. Create a account
2. Select one of the following TEAS forms:
a. TEAS Standard: Use if your goods/services are not listed in the Trademark ID Manual
b. TEAS Plus: Use if your goods/services are listed in the Trademark ID Manual
3. Select the trademark you want to register
a. Select the goods/services that the trademark will be used with
4. Create JPG image, if applicable
a. Use only if the trademark has stylized wording or a design
5. Pay the required fees
a. $250 per class of goods or services under TEAS Plus
b. $350 per class of goods or services under TEAS Standard
6. Submit the application
What is the Trademark Search System?
The Trademark Search system, a modern cloud-based system, allows individuals to search for trademarks online. This new system replaced the Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) on November 30th, 2023.[4] The new system allows individuals to view certain trademark details like the status, owners, and goods and services without using TSDR.[5] After searching for a mark, users can view all live or dead trademarks that use the same words or phrases as the searched-for term. Individuals can also log into the USPTO website and turn on expert mode to view more advanced features such as a trademark summary including the filing date and attorney name.
Navigating the New Trademark Search System [6]
1. Access the following website:
2 Select a specific search type from the drop-down menu
a. Leave selection on the default “General Search” to search the entire database
3. Type in the trademark name
4. Click on the magnifying glass
5. Clarify the search if necessary using the status filters on the left hand side
a. Filter by live and dead trademarks or by wordmark and class relevance
TSDR is the Trademark Status & Document Retrieval database.[7] Individuals can use the TSDR database to search for applications and registered trademarks. The database allows individuals to retrieve status information (whether the mark is live or dead) as well as view current owners, prosecution history, attorney information, and the owner’s goods and services. Individuals can also view or download documents such as the trademark application, drawing, Notice of Publication, and Notice of Allowance. To search TSDR, individuals need a trademark serial or registration number to either view the status of a trademark or view or download trademark documents.
If trademark applicants are expecting notice or action from the USPTO, applicants are responsible for checking the status of their trademark applications and registrations. Applicants should check TSDR every three to four months while their trademark is pending or after filing an affidavit of use or excusable nonuse.
How to Navigate TSDR
1. Open the Trademark Status & Document Retrieval database from the USPTO website.[8]
2. Type in trademark, serial, or registration number.
3. Select whether you are searching for “Status” or “Documents”
4. Once you are given results, view status information or download documents
a.Status information: trademark activity, goods/ services and classes, filing information, current owners information, attorney information, prosecution history, trademark staff and filing location, title information, or proceedings
b. Documents: ITU unit action, Notice of Abandonment, Notice of Allowance, OG Confirmation Publication, Notice of Publication, Notification of Notice of Publication, Search Summary, Trademark Snap-Shot Publication Style Sheet, Application, or Drawing